Phone: +0086 0512 67169297/ +0086 18860886201
Ni-Ti Core
- Ni-Ti mandrels exhibit super-elasticity and flexiblility;
- Excellent performance with synchronized rotation, rail support, and torque control.
Medical-grade PTFE
- Dual-color design for enhanced laparoscopic visualization;
- Hydrophobic lubrication providing a low friction coefficient, excellent trackability and flexibility.
*Note: Customizable in various color combinations including blue and white, black and yellow, black and green, blue and yellow, black and white, transparent, etc.
Adjustable Distal Tip
- Different distal Tapers engineered for precise control of softness and penetration force;
- Atraumatic tips made from uniform materials, reducing the risk of tissue damage and false passages.
- Customizable distal ends with options such as spring and/or polymer and/or hydrophilic coating to enhance trackability, tactile feedback, and X-ray visibility.
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Contact us
Phone: +0086 0512 67169297/ +0086 18860886201
Unit 501, Building B4, Biobay, SIP
Suzhou, Jiangsu Province
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